The quarterback’s parents have filed a trademark for the use of the name “Kenny Trill” after the quarterback said he prefers that name instead of the media-appointed, “Kenny Football.” Ken and Lorrie Hill plan to use the phrase on athletic apparel.

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It started when Hill had a huge game in the 52-28 win over South Carolina , passing for 511 yards and breaking Johnny Manziel’s school record. That quickly garnered comparisons and media members started calling him “Kenny Football,” an adaptation of “Johnny Football” that Manziel has since trademarked. Hill made it clear that “Kenny Trill” better suited him.

The word “trill” was made popular by the rap group UGK on its early albums. Member Bun B says that the term was created by a friend while he was in jail and became a way to identify people who lived in Port Arthur, Texas. The meaning of “trill” is someone who is loyal, real and deserving of respect.

Aggies coach Kevin Sumlin and Bun B have a mutual respect and friendship they have developed. Hill hopes this will help his nickname pick up steam.

“I know about Bun B and I know Coach Sumlin has got a little relationship with Bun B,” Hill said. “So hopefully he’ll let me be Kenny Trill.”

Bun B tweeted after the South Carolina game about his thoughts Hill having the nickname.

The “Trill OG” rapper has confidence in Hill but it still sounds like Hill has his work cut out for him.