On the latest edition of “College GameDay” in Madison, Wis., Bone made a special appearance to ask a couple college football questions and remind everyone he still loves that red sweater he wore at the second presidential debate last Sunday. The world’s most famous undecided voter was apparently interested in whether No. 1 Alabama or No. 2 Ohio State was less likely to cover and if Baylor is worthy of its No. 11 ranking.

WEEK 7 PICKS: Can the Crimson Tide be stopped?

Bone surprised the “GameDay” crowd by joining the show from the “Bone Zone” or “Bone Yard” or “Ken Den” or whatever the meme generator spit out this time.

In case you aren’t up to speed on why Bone is suddenly a celebrity, a quick recap: Bone asked Hillary Clinton and Donald Trump a question about energy policies at the town hall-style debate. A social media frenzy ensued crowning Bone as America’s savior due to the combination of his facial hair, attire, catchy name and use of a disposable camera — or something like that. He gained thousands of Twitter followers, wore shirts featuring his own mustachioed face and became the wholesome neighbor who waves at you before you leave for work each day…

If that neighbor also made gross comments about women. After Bone completed a Reddit AMA (Ask Me Anything) Thursday evening, users went back through his Reddit comment history and called out Bone for his lewd comments regarding hacked nude photos of actress Jennifer Lawrence. Bone also faced criticism for referring to the shooting of Trayvon Martin as “justified.”

So maybe we should just go ahead and make “GameDay” the final stop for this viral train because the “Bone Zone” might not be the best place to visit.