“I voted against his confirmation because it was clear to me he lied under oath, and I think we all know he did,” Harris said on NPR’s Morning Edition. “We can look at a number of aspects and components of his testimony, including the testimony about his yearbook and what it contained and what it meant, the testimony about his drinking, the testimony about his involvement in the anti-Roe judicial nomination when he was in the White House.”

Harris’ renewed criticism of Kavanaugh’s confirmation process comes after an essay from The New York Times revealed a previously unknown allegation of sexual misconduct against the court’s newest justice.

In an excerpt from a forthcoming book written by two of the paper’s reporters, Kavanaugh is said to have drunkenly exposed himself to a Yale classmate at a house party. That story mirrors another allegation made by Deborah Ramirez, who accused Kavanaugh of thrusting his genitals in her face at another party at the school. The New Yorker reported on the Ramirez allegations ahead of the confirmation hearings last fall, which themselves were fraught with accusations made by Christine Blasey Ford, who testified that Kavanaugh sexually assaulted her when she was in high school.

Kavanaugh has denied the misconduct allegations made against him, and after the Times published the excerpt on Sunday, a spokesperson for the Supreme Court told multiple media outlets that Kavanaugh would not comment on the latest accusation.

The Times had to add an editors’ note following the publication of the essay, clarifying that the alleged victim in the latest allegation does not apparently recall the incident, which was ascertained through the testimony of two associates of a reported witness, who himself declined an interview.

The charge that Kavanaugh was untruthful during his confirmation hearings largely stems from how the then-nominee tried to finesse details in the reporting about his alleged misconduct. His 1983 high school yearbook contained references to boofing, the “Devil’s Triangle,” and a girl named Renate of whom of whom Kavanaugh called himself an “Alumnius” (sic).

While Kavanaugh asserted that boofing was slang for ‘flatulence,’ it is a word more commonly associated with anal sex. The Devil’s Triangle, which he sought to portray as a drinking game, has been more commonly understood as a sex act involving three people. Two classmates of Kavanaugh’s explained the Renate reference to be a joke about sexual “conquest.”

“Our yearbook was a disaster,” Kavanaugh acknowledged at the time. “I think some editors and students wanted the yearbook to be some combination of Animal House, Caddy Shack and Fast Times at Ridgemont High, which were all recent movies at that time. Many of us went along in the yearbook to the point of absurdity. This past week, my friends and I have cringed when we read about it and talked to each other.”

Sunday’s bombshell report spurred calls from top Democrats to reinvestigate the Kavanaugh allegations, as the Times report also revealed that the FBI did not interview more than a dozen potential witnesses as part of a probe into the justice’s alleged conduct that had been requested by the White House upon the pressure of congressional Democrats. Other Democrats, including those running for the party’s 2020 nomination, have redoubled calls for Kavanaugh’s impeachment.

Though when asked about the prospect of impeaching a sitting justice, House Judiciary Chairman Jerrold Nadler pivoted to a more often-invoked subject of impeachment discussions, President Donald Trump.

“We have our hands full in impeaching the president right now, and that’s going to take up our limited resources and time for a while,” Nadler responded to WNYC’s Brian Lehrer about complaints that his committee is slow-walking its oversight of Kavanaugh.

The Harris campaign did not return a request for comment.