In an extract of his upcoming book, obtained by The Guardian, Comey writes that regardless of what evidence there might be the AG should not “pursue a criminal investigation of Donald Trump.”
The Guardian quotes: “Although those cases might be righteous in a vacuum, the mission of the next attorney general must be fostering the trust of the American people.”
Newsweek has contacted the publishers of Comey’s upcoming book Saving Justice: Truth, Transparency, and Trust to ask for further context surrounding the reported remarks and to ask for any further comment.
Comey was fired by Trump in 2017. At that point he had been leading an investigation into whether Trump advisers had in the 2016 election colluded with the Russian government in a bid to shape its result.
Trump has denied his role in this investigation was the reason for Comey being ousted. He described Comey as “the worst FBI Director in history.” He even suggested he should have somehow fired him before assuming office.
Comey has persistently criticized the president and in return has drawn fire from Trump.
In his last book, Comey described Trump as “unethical, and untethered to truth and institutional values. His leadership is transactional, ego driven and about personal loyalty.”
Biden has not announced his attorney general nominee. Whoever is confirmed is set to take on a number of politically charged investigations, with the stern test of keeping these away from any political interference or perception of interference.
Biden has previously spoken of the Justice Department responding to issues independently in an interview with CNN.
“It’s not my Justice Department, it’s the people’s Justice Department,” he said. “I am not going to be telling them what they have to do and don’t have to do. I am not going to be saying, go prosecute, A, B, or C.”
He and Vice President-elect Kamal Harris insisted they will “not tell the Justice Department how to do its job.”
Newsweek has contacted the Biden transition team for comment on his potential AG pick and to ask for details on when this might be announced.