His West Coast roots are obvious at places such as Phoenix, Las Vegas, Sonoma and California. Fans flood the stands in their 48 gear.
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They probably will have more gear to buy after this weekend. With a 28-point lead on Matt Kenseth and a 34-point edge on Kevin Harvick going into the season finale, Johnson appears destined to win his sixth Cup title.
There will be fans who turn off their televisions because they don’t like Johnson or crew chief Chad Knaus or team owner Rick Hendrick.
There are fans and people in the industry — smart, intelligent folk — who believe that Johnson must be cheating to have run so well to win five consecutive championships from 2006-2010 and to be in position to win another this year.
Knaus hasn’t made it easy on himself and Johnson thanks to finding his way into NASCAR’s doghouse more frequently in his early years.
But Johnson also is an incredible talent with great car control. His mix of focus and determination are among the best. He treats people with respect. It could be argued that he treats other drivers at times with too much respect and if he would use his bumper a little more aggressively, he might actually earn more fans.
Johnson and Knaus have created a dynasty, and many fans don’t want to see a dynasty. They can’t stomach the idea that Johnson has beaten their favorite driver head to head.
If Johnson wins the title Sunday as expected, it will be considered by many to be bad for the sport in the sense that it won’t add many fans and only energize a fan base that has enjoyed more than its fair share of success. The Johnson fans will be happy. The Johnson haters will not. Homestead-Miami Speedway probably isn’t seeing a lift in ticket sales this week based on Johnson winning the title.
But shouldn’t the last two years when Johnson didn’t win the championship make this one good for the sport?
The Sprint Cup car has changed twice over Johnson’s championships. To win in a third different car might make some fans want to clap a little louder for Johnson.
Having not won titles the last two years also make this a bit of a “comeback” story in the sense that he was knocked off the pedestal and has gotten back up and succeeded. Now that people have seen that he is more human, maybe they will cheer a little louder for him Sunday night at Homestead.
The fact that if he might win this Chase thanks to 10 great weeks also could make fans at least respect him more. Even if they won’t cheer, at least maybe they won’t turn off their television sets.
Johnson will never enjoy the fan base of Dale Earnhardt Jr. or Jeff Gordon. He won’t hear the louder chorus of boos heard by the Busch brothers, but he will hear some boos for sure — at Phoenix there was a healthy mix of cheers and boos for him.
He shouldn’t care all that much. He’ll get ready to add a sixth Cup trophy (and another big check that goes with it) this week. He’s financially set. He can laugh at the haters all the way to the bank.
But we’ve learned things over the last three years. Johnson can be beaten at his own game. His team can make mistakes at critical times. But he also performs more consistently at a higher level than the rest of his competitors in the Chase.
He isn’t going to stand on a stage Sunday overlooking the crowd with a big beer in his hands. That’s not his style and not what Hendrick or sponsor Lowe’s would want. He will have his beers (and probably a shot or five of tequila) with his friends and celebrate in that way.
And maybe a few more fans will have a toast in his honor instead of drowning their sorrows in another year of Johnson coming out on top. They will know that, unless he has a disastrous Sunday, that he has had the best 10 weeks and is well deserving of his sixth Sprint Cup championship.