Yesterday, The Truman Show actor dropped another political cartoon over on Twitter. Carrey illustrated the 45th President with uncombed hair and drenched in sweat. In an animated GIF, the president’s giant head can be seen spinning round and round in a never-ending loop. Behind the giant head, the background is bombarded with the president’s tweets.

The 58-year-old actor also posted an audio clip along with the cartoonish portrait. While sniffing many times, Carrey did an impersonation of the president being paranoid and anxious. Mimicking Trump’s voice in a manic state, he said, “Can’t stop tweeting. Need to sleep. Tweets a cry for help. Please. Someone test my pee.”

Carrey wrote, “200 tweets in 1 day.”

His original artwork refers to Trump’s latest record-breaking tweetstorm. Earlier this month, the president had been typing, pressing the Tweet button several times and retweeting in the span of 24 hours. As reported by The Slate, it was actually a retweet of Glenn Beck’s radio interview with conservative activist Candace Owens that broke the president’s Twitter record. While Beck discussing George Floyd’s past in the interview, Owens stated she didn’t approve of Floyd being “held up as a martyr.”

Trump sent out about 74 tweets between 8 and 9 in the morning. @FactbaseFeed tweeted, “We’re wrapping the day at 200 tweets for Donald Trump. Most for the account ever, period. At 468 tweets, it’s the most in a week for Trump for his presidency.”

The Dumb & Dumber actor has been on a roll with his political cartoons. About three days ago, Carrey illustrated Russian President Vladimir Putin holding America, shaped like the Air Force One aircraft, in his hands. It doesn’t take an art expert to see the symbolism Carrey used to demonstrate his thoughts on the president’s relationship with Russia.

Carrey included a caption with his drawing. “Be wary of diplomatic missions to Moscow prior to the November elections. Given the list of possible indictments he faces, Traitor Trump may be the first American President to defect.”

The forthcoming novel, Memoirs and Misinformation, which Carrey co-authored with Dana Vachon, will be released on July 7, 2020.